Research Question

After reading the book “Lord of the Flies”, I became curious to whether every leader or government in the world was quite like the leaders in the book. My research question is ‘Does power always corrupt?’. I came up with this question because throughout the book I found that the two main roles, Ralph and Jack started to quarrel over the role of leader using various ways of bribery to persuade the children to choose them as their ‘true’ leader. Originally, Ralph was the leader but then as Jack started to hunt meat for the children, he started to feel valued and powerful therefore, started to want to become the leader, slowly corrupting himself by becoming greedy and mad with the need of control. He starts to lose control until at the end, he formed his own tribe where he is of course, the chief.  That is why I want to find out about the effect of power on leaders in a negative way and if it always happens to every leader.

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